MOJO+HONEY is a herbal store dedicated to the Black Medicine Women, Midwives, and all Mothers. The inspiration behind the brand derives from Hoodoo practices; an African American tradition, where 'mojo bags' were used as a form of protection and 'honey jars' to sweeten someone towards you or a situation in general. The brand infuses ancestral traditions and knowledge with modern day Black culture. We sell whole herbs (leaves and roots), herbal powders, mushroom powders, tinctures, herbal syrups, sea moss, herbal capsules, special tea blends, spiritual tools and accessories. We also host classes and social events in effort to build camaraderie in the community and deepen our relationships with our plant allies.


Davisha is an African American Herbalist and Reiki Healer. In 2019, she studied Spiritual Herbalism under the tutelage of Master Herbalist Karen Rose. Her introduction to herbalism and other healing modalities like Reiki and Flower Essences inspired her to reclaim and relearn the rituals of her Southern ancestors who were Black Farmers. Part of Davisha's healing journey includes addressing issues like food injustice in Black and Brown Communities. Her goal is to create solutions to bring accessibility to healthy foods and medicine to the people who need it. Thus, MOJO + HONEY was birthed in 2020. The brand would expand to a brick and mortar store, to fill the medicine gap in her Philadelphia community for individuals who wanted natural and healthier options.

Davisha Davis | Founder & CEO